Thursday, May 21, 2015

the little things

  • having a huge aha moment
  • talking about tiny houses with friends & getting them excited
  • really great, unexpected tip from a table
  • really funny vines
  • snuggling with Benjamin
  • spicy cheese dip
  • sleeping late
  • art
  • my 5 senses
  • friends that come over late to pull me from my self pity party

I hope you're loving all the little things (big things too) that are happening in your world this week :)
<3 Erica

Friday, May 15, 2015

the little things

  • playing basketball with Benjamin & witnessing him in his vortex (he's actually quite great)
  • new knowledge - it's like being introduced to something I already know
  • deep stretches
  • seeing a friend manifest her desires
  • guided meditation
  • regulars at work who are fuun to talk to & tip extremely well
  • learning about nutrition
  • hearing old somgs that I love
  • essential oils!! - I mean really!
  • a new super cheap craigslist find (play kitchen for Benjamin)
  • spinach dip with carrots (because I'm getting sick of so many carbs) It was delightfully refreshing
  • kitty snuggles
  • getting off work early 
  • learning about the different types of yoga

I am really excited about life right now. So many wonderful things are happening & the inspiration is just rolling in.
What is tickling your fancy right now?
<3 Erica