Thursday, April 23, 2015

the little things

  • sleeping 11 hours straight
  • learning about creating a meditation alter
  • tiny houses.....I'm literally obsessed
  • morning silence
  • running into a friend while grocery shopping
  • making fun party invites
  • deciding to give up meat
  • sun porch hangs with friends
  • holding hands with Benjamin while watching the rain
  • playing "mad scientist"
  • having a great laugh while watching WWE
  • adopting a cat & watching Benjamin joyfully love & care for him
  • trying a spicy black bean burger for the first time, then looking at veggie burgers on Pinterest & being pleasantly surprised - I don't feel like I'm losing anything

the little things really do add up to a beautiful life :)
<3 Erica

Thursday, April 16, 2015

the little things

  • breakfast for dinner
  • movie date with my little love
  • benjamin jumping into the river on our hike - his laughter made my heart feel warm
  • nature art
  • sitting outside & feeling the sun on my face
  • learning that Gena Showalter is releasing another White Rabbit Chronicles book around my birthday
  • Benjamin telling me that he hopes I get fired - I love that he loves to be with
  • our local essential oil meetup - I learn so much everytime

"When on is faced with something so different from what one is used to, and believes to their core is the "best", "right", "only" way for a child to be parented, all else will look like the path to destruction." - Pam Clark

"I am in exactly the right place & it's getting better & better everyday." -Abraham Hicks

I absolutely love keeping track of interesting things I find & my daily gratitude journaling. Practicing gratitude really does help you focus on the good. Life can truely be magical!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

The Little Things

  • barefoot sandals
  • mexican food
  • essential oil diffuser
  • watching Benjamin's excitement while playing basketball
  • BLT sandwich
  • leaving a large tip for my server
  • a hot relaxing bath
  • sitting in the sun
  • captivating art
  • amazing conversation with like minded people
  • the quiteness that 6am brings
  • a walk in the woods

What has you in the vortex this week? 
<3 Erica