Friday, June 5, 2015

the little things

I really love sitting down each morning with a cup of coffee & writing down a few things that make me happy & fill me with joy. It's a great way to start the day.

  • free books
  • mushroom pizza
  • Benjamin's laugh
  • reading in bed
  • singing in the shower
  • inspiring full time single mom's RV-ing. I'ts so encouraging to know that it can be done
  • $4 glasses of wine
  • Blackfish the documentary (while the news itself is actually really sad it's nice to know the difference I can make)
  • mushroom, tomato, and lettuce on toast. Ermerherhed!
  • Tiny House Nation - that show gives me so many ideas
  • Abraham Hicks explaining separation (the most perfect description about choosing a new journey)
  • PETA - I love what they do & the information they share
  • meditation - I always walk away with a deeper understanding of my experiences
  • Figuring out how to hook the WiFi up through our Wii. Now we can watch Netflix on the TV. Woo hoo!!
  • swimming with Benjamin
  • 864 to go. Seriously delicious food delivered to your front door
  • watching living on one dollar & feeling inspired by how joyful one can be when you focus on the things that truely matter

Here's a few articles that caught my attention this week.

I hope you're choosing joy this week. That you're stopping to smell the flowers, to gaze at the clouds, or to feel the wind blowing through your hair. This journey can be beautiful but we have to decide for it to be so.
<3 Erica

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