Thursday, August 21, 2014

Thankful Thursday

It's not always an easy practice. But it's important, especially for me.
It improves our relationships, our health, and our emotions.
It's science.

I've had a heavy heart this afternoon. Working on my thankful list has helped. I'm looking forward to keeping a weekly "Thankful" list again.

  • being the little spoon
  • hot coffee on a sore throat
  • encouraging conversations with my BFF
  • inspirational movies
  • podcasts while cleaning
  • big fuzzy blankets
  • drinks with friends
  • getting back on the schedule at Flat Rock
  • owl mugs
  • warm spots on the carpet where the sun is shining in
  • finishing a crochet owl hat
  • a bright pink yoga mat
I encourage you to keep a gratitude journal, list, sticky note, whatever floats your boat. It can make a big difference in your day to day.

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