Saturday, November 29, 2014

thankful thursday

"If you want light to come into your life, you need to stand where it is shining."

  • the most delicious trout with gnocchi, mushrooms, spinach, walnuts, and tomatoes
  • dinner with some of my favorite people
  • sleepover at mom's
  • waking up early & having an entire day o do as I please
  • creating my first vision board
  • taking pictures with Benjamin (see above!!!!!)
  • super hilarious vine videos
  • going to a night club and sitting on a white couch surrounded by flowy curtains - I felt just like Carrie Bradshaw
  • a sleepover with my ladies & all our conversations
  • hot coffee on a rainy morning
  • wearing bright orange wedge boots
  • fried mac & cheese, penne rustica, and salted caramel gelato
  • a hot detox bath while listening to Abraham Hicks
  • christmas music
  • Benjamin giving me 100+ hugs and telling me he loves me
  • beautiful, crunchy leaves under my feet
  • watching with awe as my passions are pulled together by the same force
  • watching Benjamin play & act out stories with other children at our children's theatre
  • skype - because it helps me foster my long distance friendship
  • planning my x-mas party

"The one thing that you have that nobody else has is you. Your voice, your mind, your story, your vision. So write and draw and build and play and dance and live only as you can."

peace, love, joy,
erica <3

Friday, November 21, 2014

thankful thursday

  • hugs
  • good books
  • lovely dreams
  • the vampire diaries
  • free information at my fingertips
  • new friends
  • birthday shopping
  • molina's for lunch
  • happy hour with most of my family
  • a theraputic glass of wine, or 3
  • friends who text back at 1am
  • advice on life and love from carrie bradshaw
  • doterra essential oils
  • gala darling and her radical self love
  • tiny beautiful things: advice on love and life from dear sugar
  • watching benjamin help a lady bug find her way outside safely
  • watching a documentary that changes the entire game
  • finding & (successfully) using a reusabe k-cup
  • inspirational youtube videos
  • yoga/meditation
  • a warm cup of coffee in cold hands
  • huge pinecones to decorate for fall/christmas
  • all the beautiful orange and yellow leaves
  • the option to choose joy
  • looking at home decor on pinterest
  • day dreaming
  • a very happy birthday weekend
  • catching up with old friends
  • mexican food and a margarita
  • catching up on one of my favorite vampire shows
  • coming across a new book by my favorite blog at the library by accident - and loving it
  • quiet mornings
  • the warm spot on the floor where the sun shines through the window
  • the feeling of happiness
  • a night full of laughter
peace, love, and postive thoughts!
<3 Erica

Saturday, November 1, 2014

happy halloween!

"Halloween, Halloween
Spooky, kooky Halloween
Kids in costumes, what a sight
On Halloween tonight

Big black cats
Vampire bats
Ghosts and goblins out tonight
Causing quite a fright"

i should confess. halloween is my favorite. it might have something to do with my complete vampire obsession but i just love it. the decor, the treats, the costumes.

wicked the musical is my newest obsession (hurry up january 30!) so it was a no brainer for me to dress up as elphaba. 
benjamin & i found this wolverine costume at goodwill & his love for Marvel was born. we're even having a super hero birthday party this month!

now when it comes to celebrating you have to do it right. so we made a table scape and a Jack Skellington cake. because, halloween.

the Jack cake was a simple DIY. I drew his body on card stock with a sharpie and his head is just a basic white cake decorated with cream cheese and chocolate frosting.

i hope your halloween was filled with many tricks and treats. 

and now let the christmas music begin!
<3 erica