Friday, November 21, 2014

thankful thursday

  • hugs
  • good books
  • lovely dreams
  • the vampire diaries
  • free information at my fingertips
  • new friends
  • birthday shopping
  • molina's for lunch
  • happy hour with most of my family
  • a theraputic glass of wine, or 3
  • friends who text back at 1am
  • advice on life and love from carrie bradshaw
  • doterra essential oils
  • gala darling and her radical self love
  • tiny beautiful things: advice on love and life from dear sugar
  • watching benjamin help a lady bug find her way outside safely
  • watching a documentary that changes the entire game
  • finding & (successfully) using a reusabe k-cup
  • inspirational youtube videos
  • yoga/meditation
  • a warm cup of coffee in cold hands
  • huge pinecones to decorate for fall/christmas
  • all the beautiful orange and yellow leaves
  • the option to choose joy
  • looking at home decor on pinterest
  • day dreaming
  • a very happy birthday weekend
  • catching up with old friends
  • mexican food and a margarita
  • catching up on one of my favorite vampire shows
  • coming across a new book by my favorite blog at the library by accident - and loving it
  • quiet mornings
  • the warm spot on the floor where the sun shines through the window
  • the feeling of happiness
  • a night full of laughter
peace, love, and postive thoughts!
<3 Erica

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