Thursday, March 5, 2015

Thankful Thursday

"Don't live the same year 75 times and call it a life." -Robin Sharma

  • playing cards of humanity with friends and laughing till I cry
  • hot coffee
  • getting out of the house after being cooped up for 24+ hours
  • listening to Benjamin sing in the shower
  • Benjamin learning to use the Nook and loving it
  • a nice warm house with it's 12 degrees outside
  • a sweet and unexpected gift of flowers from my landlord
  • music that gives me the feels
  • dessert so good it makes you close your eyes
  • daydreaming of laying by the pool
  • sleeping in on a Saturday
  • good friends
  • meeting new people
  • walking around downtown
  • working with amazing people
  • late night Netflix
  • thinking about moving to a new city - brings up old excitement I felt when planning to move out west to go to design school
  • inspiring friends
  • getting my thoughts out of my head & onto paper
  • finding free Charlotte Mason curriculum
  • coming up with a new beautiful mantra
  • inspiring TED talks
  • walking around downtown TR in beautiful weather
  • lunch date with my little man
  • killer strawberry cake
  • late night talks with my BFF
"Respect yourself enought to walk away from anythign that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy." -Unknown

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