Thursday, March 12, 2015

The little things

  • free samples at whole foods
  • getting excited about my interests again
  • walking around outside barefoot
  • singing my favorite song at the top of my lungs
  • riding around with my windows down
  • a surprise job opportunity
  • finding out I can sleep in at the last minute
  • getting down to some Glee songs
  • BFF date night
  • fun tables at work
  • good tunes & time with my sewing machine
  • really, really good conversations
  • love pretzels
  • snapchat
  • delicious pizza
  • alone time
  • dessert that melts in your mouth
  • complete silence
  • acoustic jams
  • belly laughs
  • free music class trial = success
  • getting excited about finding some awesome new music lessons on Pinterest
  • leaving my patio door open all day
  • coachella playlist on spotify

"You will never be able to escape from your heart so it's better to listen to what it has to say."

find a favorite little something in everyday,

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