Thursday, October 16, 2014

Thankful Thursday

  • white sauce
  • conversating with hubs
  • trips to the library
  • an exerpt from Gena Showalter's new book
  • deep, heart felt letters
  • a cup of coffee in a quiet house
  • Benjamin loving Glee & Wicked soundtracks
  • spending time with my BFF
  • seeing Dracula Untold & LOVING it!
  • delicious pizza & beer sampleing
  • late night sushi
  • new inspiration & ideas
  • food delivery
  • scoring a Scooby Doo game with a happy meal
  • and then discovering a Scooby Doo movie we haven't seen yet
  • starting a new crochet project while watching Junk Gypsy
  • making plans with Benjamin to watch the 13 days of Halloween
  • having nice dreams
  • being excited about an upcoming outing
  • taking a painting class with Mom & Randy
  • people at the laundry mat who let Benjamin turn on their wash
  • the "in love" feeling

<3 Erica

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