Thursday, October 2, 2014

Thankful Thursday

{via HWTM}

  • having lots of food left over from my party = snacks for the week
  • a sweet, sweet husband who sat by the fire with me while I cried
  • podcasts that remind you how beautiful life and our relationships are
  • my mom bringing over mums, a pumpkin, and a bail of hay. Fall decor! Yay!
  • scoring a skeleton costume for $6 and hearing the joy in Benjamin's voice when I called to tell him about it
  • a great night at work
  • Halloween decorations
  • late night Glee Christmas episodes
  • drinks and snacks with my mom
  • coffee from an owl mug with saucer
  • late night book releases
  • Benjamin being really proud of himself after going #2 in the potty
  • cheese, really good cheese
  • gaining a deeper understanding of unschooling
  • reading that said midnigh release within 24 hours because yes! it was that good
  • popcorn & coffee for breakfast
  • making a vampire pumpkin
  • snuggling with Benjamin while looking at playground building plans

<3 Erica

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